For the love of christ people...
Might I suggest in the future that the nice folks at UCFD put a disclaimer on these movies
Here are some tips for it.
1. Do not watch and review if you are under the age of 14 (or have intellegence under that number)
2. Your not a babbling drone under Foamys control, and are so obsessed with that character that you refer to him as a "god" or "master" to compare Foamy, an internet squirrel to that of God or Buddha is just laughable
3. Have spent more than 0.01 dollars on Foamy products
4. have dedicated your entire account (and life) to the preservation and worship of foamy, and have IWP, LF, or Knox in your favorites list
5. Been a member of the Newgrounds community for less than 4 months.
6. Have never tried flash or know nothing about flash whatsoever, or what the hell the word "Tween" means.
Its strange. I remember I was like alot of you kids too, in my younger days on NG I used to like LF, and IWP. Untill I looked around NG alot, and found talented folks like the ones at UCFD and makes these flashes who arent the enemy, but are the liberators, and are trying to free your minds from the grip that these evils have over your fragile heads.